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Researching and sourcing 100% natural, healthy food and body products from around the world.

Rejuvenating Moringa Smoothie

Ingredients1 tbsp Minvita Moringa Superfood Powder1 cup frozen berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries)1 cup water or crushed ice1/2 frozen banana2 kiwis1 pear1 appleRecipeIf you’re in need of some nourishment or want to feel refreshed from the inside out, we highly recommend this rejuvenating smoothie. Our Moringa Superfood Powder is 100% organic and naturally high in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium and helps to support your body’s natural defences, making it perfect for those days when you need a quick boost. A pick me up is coming right up…1. First, pop the frozen fruit into your blended...

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Breakfast Berry Blast Smoothie

Ingredients1-2 tbsp any of Minvita Superfood or Superfruit Powders1 cup frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries1 cup water or milk of your choice (almond, soy, coconut)1 tsp Minvita Chia Superfood Seeds1 ripe bananaRecipeFor a nourishing and nutrient-filled start to your day, try our Breakfast Berry Blast. The fabulous thing about this smoothie is just it’s extremely versatile and you can switch up the ingredients to suit your personal taste, as well as whizzing in the Superfruit or Superfood Powder of your choice depending on your nutrition needs. For example if you have a weak immune system and could benefit from...

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Mulberry & Cherry Bakewell Smoothie

Ingredients1 tbsp Minvita Mulberry Superfood Powder1 cup unsweetened almond milk or low fat milk2 tbsp almond butter2-3 pitted dates1/2 cup frozen cherries1 tbsp manuka honeyRecipeWho doesn’t love a Cherry Bakewell? If you adore the taste but want something a little more health-conscious, our Mulberry & Cherry Bakewell Smoothie is an absolute winner. With all of the sweet flavour of the well-loved tart thanks to the naturally sugary dates and delicious cherries (plus an amazing amaretto hum from the almond butter), you can wave goodbye to your cravings and say hello to a smoothie that tastes too good to be… well,...

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