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10 tips for less stress & more energy!

Really, who doesn’t want to feel less stressed and more energised? We’ve done our research to bring you 10 top tips that will have you on top form in no time.
1. Technically, this one starts the night before! To ensure you get off to a perky start aim to sleep and rise at a consistent time, and one that’s optimal for your daily routine. You can work this one out with a tool such as Sleep Calculator, which allows you to set your scenario by the time you want to get up or go to bed. It even tells you when to set the alarm if you’re in need of a power nap!
2. Enjoy a good breakfast that’s right for you. We get that not everyone wants –or needs– to feast first thing, so encourage you to follow your intuition on this one. That said, we also encourage you to start your day with a healthy choice. It’ll really set the tone for what’s to come. Take inspiration from ‘What the World’s Top Health Experts Eat for Breakfast‘. We’re with Ellie Krieger on the overnight oats, with a spoonful of chia seeds and a serving of energising superfruit or superfood powder.
3. Get some daily air and light. From improved immunity to clearer thinking, mental calm and the chance of a longer, healthier life (sounds good to us!), there’s a multitude of science to back this one. We’d like to prescribe a 30-minute outing with bonus points for venturing into some green space!
4. Learn to resist the ping of your phone, and inbox, instead opting for set digital check-ins. This helps the brain switch off from tech, reducing nighttime anxiety and encouraging better sleep.
5. Again, this tip starts the day before – aim to pack healthy leftovers you can enjoy while on your break. Not only will this help minimise the chance of impulse eating processed convenience foods, it’ll free up some time to spend your lunch doing something for you. Getting that 30 minutes of fresh air, taking a gym class, or switching off with a book. It’s also more eco-friendly, and can be all the more so with a grown up ‘Lunchbot’ from MyCleverbox.
6. Time for the old health chestnut that is…keep sipping those fluids! The British Nutrition Foundation advises an average intake of 1.6 litres for women and 2 litres for men. Any of you currently going dehydrated will be amazed at how much sharper you feel after this one. Remember, tea and coffee also count. However…
7. Aim to wean your caffeine addiction, and be sure to introduce a daily caffeine cutoff at 2 pm. Try switching your morning cup for an energising glass of citrusy Baobab. Our single serving sachets are office and travel-friendly.
8. Schedule in some daily ‘you time’ with the help of an app such as meQuilibrium. We particularly like the stress zapper, which guides you back to control in the midst of a frantic day!
9. However busy you’ve been, make time for a healthy dinner. We like this Women’s Health Piece, ‘What Nutritionists Eat When They Only Have 5 Minutes to Prep a Meal‘. See how you can mix your Minvita in with some of these dishes for extra nutrition credits.
10. Don’t forget to cut all tech time at least an hour before bed. That’s ‘at least’; we’d rather you were chilling out with your partner or family than scanning the internet on a sleep-disrupting blue light emitting device! And let’s end as we begin…scheduling our snooze for optimal health and energy.
And the results are in!
Has this post left you feeling inspired to up your health game? Well, we’ve got even more inspiration for you… our official #onegoodthing bloggers have completed their challenges. We’ll leave you to enjoy their results, and see which additions you want to introduce, but not before teasing you with a few of their comments!
“It’s completely sustainable, so whilst the official challenge ran for 14 days I will be keeping up as many of these good habits as I can.“ – Ana, Ana Goes Green
“It was so great to have an excuse that I had to do something for me, and that something often became the highlight of an otherwise frantic day.“ – Gem, Buff Beauty
“I really enjoyed taking part in the challenge because I felt like I had to do something…it kept me motivated!“– Amber, Amber’s Beauty Talk
With thanks to our star challengers, we’re beyond thrilled with the results! And we really can’t wait to hear how the rest of you’ve got on.
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