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Maca Chia Overnight Oats


1/3 jar plain/pure oats (uncooked)
2/3 jar unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 tbsp pure nut butter
2 tbsp pure maple syrup
1/2 tbsp maca
2cm sq. fresh grated ginger
Pinch sea salt
Frozen or fresh cherries or berries to top

This recipe works on so many levels: it’s low prep (taking less than 10 minutes to make), super nutritious, flexible, portable, family-friendly, snack-friendly and body balancing!

Let’s talk about the balancing part a mo – the maca, cherries, ginger and oats have each been selected for their hormone levelling properties. A natural settler that will suit the whole family, from stressed out mums and dads to unsettled teens.

Younger kids can also get in on the prep fun with this heat-free dish. It’s totally raw and dairy-free, and can easily be gluten-free through your choice of oats.

Quantity makes 1 serving: note the use of the ‘jar’ in the ingredients list. Simply adapt your quantities to your container of choice. We used a snack-sized (or mini breakfast) jam jar. If you want to go bigger, adjust the rest of your ingredients accordingly.

1. Start by pouring your oats into your container, until it’s a 1/3 full. Now top with 2/3 almond milk.

2. Spoon in your dry ingredients: the chia seeds, maca and a pinch of salt.

3. Add the fresh grated ginger (you may wish to leave this out for children – carrot makes a sweet alternative, though you’ll want to add a little more), nut butter and maple syrup, and give everything a good stir.

4. Cover and pop in the fridge overnight. Alternatively, if you’re making this as a post workout or evening snack, refrigerate for 5 to 6 hours to allow the oats to soften.

5. Top with your choice of fruit before serving. Chopped nuts also go down well!

Tips: if making this for a family breakfast, prep in one large bowl. Allow children to serve and top their own – a quick and fun way to introduce them to healthy eating!

We like to fill multiple jars for weeklong snacking and breakfasting. If stored in an airtight container and kept refrigerated, this dish should keep for up to five days.

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