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Researching and sourcing 100% natural, healthy food and body products from around the world.

Superfoods That Help Fight Fatigue

We spend around a third of our lives in bed, yet many of us feel that our sleep is insufficient. With busy lives and work-filled days, many people rely on ‘quick fixes’ in the form of highly unhealthy and processed fizzy drinks, sugar bursting energy tablets as well as never ending cups of coffee. Because of the high sugar and caffeine content, these are truly ‘quick fixes’ and last only several hours, leaving the user feeling even worse once the sugar and caffeine hit has worn off, making it become a vicious and addictive cycle of repeating that quick fix...

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How Can Our Mulberry Powder Help Diabetes Patients?

We’re all aware of how too much sugar can be dangerous for us and our health, but you may be shocked to hear that a recent study estimated that over one third  of the British population now has ‘pre-diabetes’, which means that they have abnormally high blood sugar levels and are on the verge of being diagnosed with diabetes. A way of keeping your blood sugar levels under control and helping to prevent the risk of developing diabetes – the natural way – is our Mulberry Superfood Powder. Made from 100% natural white mulberry leaves – hence the green colour...

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Antioxidants Explained

So – antioxidants. We hear this ‘buzz word’ thrown around the health community a lot these days, but you may struggle to think of an explanation for what antioxidants are and what they do. Put as simply as possible, antioxidants are exactly what their name suggests – they are anti-oxidising. Oxidation, whilst a perfectly normal chemical process that takes part in our bodies each day, doesn’t always lead to desirable consequences when aggravated and increased by factors such as drug consumption (cigarettes, alcohol etc) and stress. When oxidation is accelerated, free radicals form which may lead to cell damage – and if...

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